What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a pain free, research based form of neuromyofascial stretching that is relaxing, stress reducing and restores function in very few treatments. Benefits include improved mobility, strength, balance, recovery, weight loss, sleep, sex, and decreased pain and stress.

The fascia is the connective tissue that is continuous throughout the body, encompassing our muscles, tendons, organs, nerves and everything in between.  In short, it is the life force of the body, rich with proprioceptors that tell our body where it is in space. When adhesions form and the fascia and muscles are not sliding and gliding with one another, chronic pain, arthritis, decreased range of motion, and anxiety can affect our everyday lives and our athletic endeavors.

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a beautiful, assisted form of stretching and manual therapy that targets multiple fascial lines at a time in order to "romance" the parasympathetic nervous system.  This results in total relaxation, pain relief, and freedom of movement.  The clinician provides traction and dynamic movement during stretching, which is the differentiating factor for FST.  This results in improved blood flow, nutrition and oxygen to the joint capsules, allowing synovial fluid to flow within compressed areas.  By opening up the joints, the muscles are less strained and pain is reduced.

Josh after 1 FST session!

Josh after 1 FST session!